
Keeppower マーケティング チームが製品テストと写真撮影のために複数の州を巡る遠征に乗り出す

製品開発とマーケティングの洞察を強化するための最近の取り組み, Keeppower マーケティング チームは中国のいくつかの省を冒険しました, 甘粛省を含む, 四川省, 青海省, と寧夏, フィールド調査遠征のために. The team conducted comprehensive tests of various product lines under outdoor conditions, capturing the essence of their applications in a range of challenging environments.

The testing spanned diverse landscapes, from vast grasslands and deep mountains to high-altitude areas, showcasing the versatility and resilience of Keeppower’s products. The team also engaged in photography sessions, documenting the products in their element, with many shots taken under the cover of night, where darkness and low temperatures were the norm.

These demanding conditions are crucial for us to validate the performance and reliability of our products,” said the team leader. “It’s not just about capturing beautiful images; it’s about demonstrating our commitment to quality and innovation.

Despite the challenging circumstances, the team persevered, and their hard work has resulted in a series of stunning outdoor product photos that truly encapsulate the spirit of adventure and exploration.

We are grateful for the dedication and efforts of our team members,” expressed the company’s spokesperson. “Their work is instrumental in our mission to create more efficient, energy-saving, and green products for outdoor enthusiasts both domestically and internationally.

Keeppower is proud to present the outcomes of this expedition, 今後のマーケティング キャンペーンで取り上げられる予定です, 信頼性が高く持続可能なソリューションでアウトドア アドベンチャーを強化するというブランドの約束をさらに強化します。.


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